Let me tell you about god: I don’t know and you don’t either:

Congregation on Sunday mornings is actually pretty good. When I was a kid, most Sundays started with a song and then the kids were invited to the front dais for a story. After that we went off to classrooms assigned by age. We did arts and crafts and played games while the youth leaders tried to explain how the world worked. The doctrine is that there is no doctrine. It wasn’t until later that I now understand that the Congregation takes a mainly Humanist view. One of the core curriculum for the children is something called Holidays and Holy Days which takes us through the calendar year and each week we learned about different world religions, what they believed and how they celebrated.

I don’t attend most Sundays anymore, but I like to hang out with the youth group there from time to time.

Ultimately, I was taught to Obey the Golden Rule. The good one, not the greedy one….

When I think about most modern religions, I can't accept that my ancient ancestors are condemned to some lesser heaven because "the one true god" failed to reveal itself in time. Organized Religion has done more to divide the world than to unite it.

I don't reject the possibility of a higher power but I haven't met it and I don't believe that you have either, so you may practice your spirituality any way that you please, just don't try and drag me into it.

Abide by the Golden Rule and we'll all get along just fine.


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