About this fictional Blog:


I'm Ron Wm. Hurlbut A.K.A. TinGoat.

This blog is the fictional Journal of Catlin Josephs. Catlin is a character in a fantasy role playing game. The game is based on Roger Zelazny's Amber Chronicles.

I started with AD&D in high school. When the DMs (A Brother and Sister each running different campaigns) burned out, I jumped in and tried DMing. Their style was to do all the dice rolling behind the screen and the players just got to role play.

So I did it the same way. It was painful to constantly run charts, make modifyers and keep track of all that math. So I didn't last very long as a DM.

Through the connections in the local gaming community I met Spike Y. Jones. He's a gamer who writes articles and game modules in RPG Magazines and has gone on to author, edit and otherwise contribute to the gaming industry and Science Fiction & Fantasy.

Although I was already a Roger Zelazny fan, it was Spike who introduced me to Amber Diceless Role Playing Game [ADRPG] and we went to Ambercon in Detroit a couple of times as well as Boskone.

We also played a couple of other game systems.

Through Spike, I also met Robin D. Laws who also writes and creates games.

But that was 20 odd years ago...

Life, Wife and work got in the way of regular gaming sessions. That and the pursuit of other hobbies.

I'm also interested in Model Railroading (Mostly as an armchair quarterback and Module St@ndards aficionado.)

I have recently decided to try playing ADRPG online through a forum when I accepted an invitation through facebook.

The game is being played on RPG Crossing and the campaign is called Myriad Roads.

The game is a modified rule set by Kevin Cowley A.K.A. Larson Gates.

Available as pdf Amber Players Guide.

You can read about the game framework here: 

Adventures In Role Play

The character creation questionnaire is very comprehensive.

My other Blog is Humber Valley & Simcoe Railway


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