Let me tell you about little horse play:

 The Gregorian Chants are very soothing. I haven’t got a clue as to what they are saying since I don’t speak Latin, but that's kind of the point. Simply human voices as instrumental music. Lot’s of hallelujahs, but they’re not being shouted at you the way they are in Handel's Messiah.

The day has been a very long ordeal but my headache has retreated to a dull roar. I flick my wrist over and observe that it is nearly four pee-em.

"Zou Yan, What time is dinner served and what's on the menu?”

"Dinner is served at approximately seven-thirty pee-em in the Dining room. The menu is usually a starter, soup or paté according to what is in season or available, a main course, either meat, fish, or vegetarian, and a dessert. I believe Eton Mess is tonight's desert. Coffee is then usually served in the Drawing Room, but Ms. Chan has instructed that drinks and coffee will be served in the Library as yourself and Ms. MacFarlane will be less affected there.”

Cool, ”Also, what is the weather like outside? Including the time of sunset and sunrise?"

“Sunset tonight will be nineteen hundred twenty three. Sunrise in the morning will be O’five hundred twenty six. The weather is currently fine, clear skies, with an ambient temperature of twenty-nine degrees Celsius, and an average wind speed of one point seven knots. It is predicted that the current period of fine weather will last another couple of days as the barometric trend is currently stable."

Remarkable: Almost everything I know about Geography I learned from Model Railroading. As a wild guess, I'd say I'm somewhere equivalent to South-East Asia. According to the time of sunrise and set, Sir Sandford Fleming's Railway Standard Time has reached across the multiverse. We're a minute or two off of a meridian and they're using Daylight Savings Time. By my reckoning, we're in the Northern Hemisphere, but at a lower latitude. With roughly twelve hours of daylight, I'd guess we're close to the Tropic of Cancer near the Summer Equinox. But seeing two moons and so many unrecognizable constellations last night tells me that I'm nowhere near the Los Angeles, California that I know. Amazing. The two moons must really mess up the tidal patterns. A high tide and a higher tide along with low and lower. I think that any major shipping port would have to be contained within a dyke with locks to let the ships in and out. That would be cool...

It's wild that concentrating on this calculation has given me a moment of relief from my 'Trump' headache.

I get up from my bed and take a look out the window to discover there’s a balcony. I put on a kilt and step out onto the balcony to look around. Looking down I see a limestone flagged terrace about twenty-five feet below the balcony. There’s another balcony a dozen feet above as well as ones about fifty feet to either side and above.

"Zou Yan, what direction does my room face and what, or whose buildings do I see there?"

"Your room is on the North side of the house. The only buildings that would be visible on that side of the house are those that form part of the estate."

"Wow, Zou Yan, there's enough green houses here to feed a small army. Impressive. Is the whole property cultivated?” 

"If by a small army you mean the house and grounds staff, then whilst we are mostly self-sufficient in vegetables and fruits, the estate isn't able to produce arable crops due to the nature of the soil structure across most of the plateau. Excess production is transferred to the castle which doesn't have the facilities to grow crops. In total approximately twenty-seven percent of the estate is cultivated for crop production. The majority of the rest is given over to formal and informal gardens.”

“How far back does the estate go?”

“The perimeter of the estate is approximately six point two miles. The mansion is situated on it's southern edge. The northern perimeter wall is approximately zero point eight miles to the North. East to West the estate is approximately one point three miles.”

“Is there a wild spot where I could have a campfire and sleep under the stars away from all the Trump noise?"

I intend to stick around for dinner and there's no way I'm venturing out alone into an unknown wilderness after dark but I'd like to do some exploring and camping if given the opportunity. 

“If you wish to sleep under the stars away from the mansion, then I would suggest the borders of the forest, which are about two miles to the West. There is the possibility that you may encounter one of the two native species of bear, or the native species of Leopard. Exiting via the main gate would be the quicker route, but take care crossing the ravine and avoid the top of the scree slope, it's a little unstable."

"Fascinating. Zou Yan, are hunting and fishing regulated here?”

"There is no regulation of hunting at the current time as there has been no need to impose any restrictions”

“Is there a way that I can keep in contact with you and the household if I venture out?"

“No, there is no mechanism by which you can maintain contact once you venture beyond the estate boundaries, and within the estate only the estate dwellings, workshops, stables, and greenhouses have access terminals."

"Oh, Stables! Cool. What critters are living in the Stables, Zou Yan?"

"Critters? There are no critters in the stables, Jo. The stables currently house four horses, one belonging to Ms. Chan, one to Ms. Chan's daughter, and two which are available to family members as needed."

"Sorry, Zou Yan. I meant animals. Horses, of course, but also other domesticated animals. Including feral cats. Would it be acceptable for me to visit them? It might be therapeutic for me to pet a horse. Maybe do a little grooming."

"The stables are purely for the accommodation of horses, other domesticated livestock is kept on the relevant farms on the outskirts of town by their occupants. Also as far as I'm aware there is no feral cat population around either the mansion or in the Modern town. I have no data as to whether the same is true for either the Castle or the Medieval town. I'm sure that it would be perfectly acceptable for you to visit the stables. I should advise you that the two stallions have a fiery temperament. I would suggest you liaise with Mr Makenna, the head groom."

I start to get dressed, "Thank You Zou Yan, you have been very helpful. Will I require the services of a translator with Mr. Makenna?" I pulled on a pair of stockings and boots along with a fresh T-Shirt (Black with stylized thistle design.) 

"Mr. Makenna hails from Alto Mento so I wouldn't have thought so, we mostly converse in Spanish but he also speaks English.”

"Zou Yan, please help me navigate my way out of the Mansion and point me in the direction of the Stables. Let Mr. Makenna know that I'm on my way and I'd be very happy to be put to work grooming or even just mucking out stalls. I just need something to do and the horses will be nice company. Thanks, again."

“I would suggest you exit via the garage, basement level one, turn left, then follow the path round to the right when it splits. The stables are a large brick and timber constructed building with a shingle roof so should be easy to differentiate from either the green houses or work sheds. I will let him know you're on your way.”

I pull my hair into a ponytail as I step into the hallway… 

"Thank You Zou Yan." I stopped at the Dining Room to hopefully find some apples for the horses. Wincing with the Trump Pain but happy to be going out to visit the horses. Unfortunately there’s nothing in the dining room.. completely empty of all food.. After the kerfuffle I had in the kitchen last night, I avoided that avenue.

Oh, well… Hopefully there will be some treats in the Stable or I'll find something along the way. I practically skip along my way out to the Stables.

I head down the main staircase to the foyer and then duck behind the grand staircase and pass the elevators to the service area and find the servant’s stairs down to the basement level. I get a little turned around with all the different doors but find my way into the garage. My headache is easing as I go, like a clamp is being loosened. I look around the garage area and see that there’s a variety of cars, trucks and motorcycles. They all appear to be relatively new. It’s a much cleaner and more modern shop than the one I work in. A couple of mechanics are going about their business and I give them a smile and a nod as I pass through. Out the door and into the heat of the afternoon, I turn left and circle around to the North side of the Mansion and follow the path prescribed by Zou Yan. 

The further away I get from the Mansion, the better I feel. I let down my guard for a moment, thinking that I was clear of the ‘Trump Power’ and the pain comes piling back. Crap! I pause a moment and take a couple of deep breaths. I visualize a big iron bound door and close it against the light and noise. It takes a couple of minutes until I have relief. Feeling better I continue on my way.

The stables are quiet and I don’t see anyone around as I let myself in. I call out, "Hello? Mr. Makenna?”

A small Hispanic looking man comes out of a room at the far end of the building. He’s wearing dark green work trousers, riding boots, and a light green vest. I’d guess from his stature that he is, or was a Jockey.

I walk towards him and extend my hand in greeting, “Hello, Mr. Makenna. I’m Jo.”

“Hello.” He replies as he accepts my handshake. In his Spanish accent he continues, “Please, you can call me Pavlov.”

“Thank you, Pavlov. I've come out to meet you and become acquainted with the horses. I'd be happy if you put me to work for a couple of hours.”

“That’s very nice of you. The work is mostly done for the day but the horses always need attention of grooming and exercise."

“This is a very impressive facility. Large and modern. My Sister, Lorraine, and her Husband, Hume, have extensive stables back home and I spend a lot of time around horses when I can. My sisters would be amazed by these facilities. My family mostly has Quarter Horses, a few English and occasionally board various Draft Horses. These Arabians would blow them away.”

"The sprinting capability of your Quarter Horses is no use to us. The patrols need longevity of stamina, so we cross the Anglo-Arabs with Pino Faso, whilst for Hell Riding you need the sustained canter/galloping capability of the Anglo-Arabs. The latter also requires horses of the right temperament and intelligence and a lot of training"

"Yes, of course. Having the right tool for each job. I use the term Quarter Horse loosely. I include Painted and Appaloosa among others. Mostly mixed breeds that have gentle temperaments which are well suited for teaching children to ride and for recreational purposes. Except for the Draft Horses. They're mostly purebred and kept for show. Fully harnessed and teamed, they compete in pulls. The Ardennais would melt your heart."

Pavlov introduces me to the four Equines as we walk down the generous center lane. They’re in full romp stalls that are as generous and well appointed as my room in the mansion. There’s a big black Arabian stallion named Lexicon that belongs to Cordelia and another Chestnut Arabian stallion named Salazar, belonging to Cordelia’s daughter Charlotte. They are on diagonally opposite sides of the lane. Also separated diagonally across the lane are a pair of Anglo-Arabian Mares. A light Chestnut named Autumn Gold and a Grey named Raindrop.

Pavlov shows me around the tack room where the brushes and grooming supplies are kept, along with the saddles and bridles; then the indoor exercise ring. What a fantastic facility.

He tells me about his experience of working in a stable from a young age and becoming a Jockey: Semi-retired, but he still races occasionally. Most of his time is now spent breeding and breaking horses.

I wince at this part: Breaking Horses is old school. However, Pavlov said something about a ‘Hell Ride’ which must be like riding on a battlefield. I suppose that if things get really chaotic, you would need a horse that will be blindly obedient.

My Horse Whispering ability came naturally to me and our Ferrier, Jake MacFarland, has helped me to develop and improve my ability. Jake also taught me to operate a coal forge and shoe horses. Recently, he has started to include Rieki as part of the new Trust Technique.

We return to the stalls and I greet each of the horses with a bow. Shake my mane and prance side to side like how horses greet each other and invite each other to play. I let them sniff me and cautiously pet them. Working on gaining their trust. Talking softly and petting them when they allow.

Both of the stallions are very standoff-ish at first and eye me with great distrust initially. I look them in the eyes and glance away quickly a few times to show them that I do not wish to challenge them. Then I bow again and prance again. “Come out and play.” I say as they finally approach me and sniff my outstretched hands. I rub their velvet soft faces and pet their necks.

Pavlov looks impressed, "They normally only allow Loi to do that. Other than Cordelia and Charlotte she's the only one that can ride them."

“At the moment, I’m only asking them to come out and play. I wouldn’t press myself on them without getting to know them first. They're all social animals that you need to build trust with. Then they can be as playful and affectionate as anyone else.”

I give each of the horses a light brushing and we lead them to the exercise ring. In the ring I begin to horse play: Chasing and being chased in a horse-sized game of tag. When they get a little too excited and start nipping at each other and me, I slow things down and calm them with strategic taps and slaps on their necks and direct them to the water trough and I take a big drink from a hose myself.

Watching me play with the horses, I’m sure that Pavlov thinks the whole thing is idiotic but he has a good laugh and the horses appear to be enjoying the chance to be a little wild.

With the horses calmed down and a little tired from the play, I work on a simple exercise of having them walk in a basket weave formation. Each horse moving forward and passing in front of another in turn as I direct them with whistles and hand motions to move or stand still. It takes a few attempts and a lot of praise, but they get the hang of it quickly.

“They are very smart, and they like to learn new things.”

After an hour of play and teaching them the basket weave, we led the horses back to their stalls. I pick their hooves, give them a stiff brushing, and comb out their manes.

“Thank you, Pavlov. This is a lot of fun.”

“You’re welcome, Jo. I have never seen anyone treat horses this way.”

I head back to the mansion and feel the increased pressure of the ‘Trump Power’ as I make my way back to my room to clean up before heading to the dining room for dinner. “Thank you Zou Yan. The trip to the Stable was very therapeutic.”

Still smelling a little horsey I pace up and down the hallway between the Library and Dining Room. The other cousins have gathered in the Library before dinner but it’s a little too ~loud~ with ‘Trump Power’ in there for me.

Dinner is called and we all file into the Dining Room at seven thirty-two. Ms. Chan motions for Alarna and I to sit at the opposite end of the table from her so that we aren’t overwhelmed by the ‘Trump Power’ emanating from her.

Alarna says to Edward, "Thank you for everything today."

"You are most welcome.." He replies, returning her smile.

I ask, "Alarna, how did you manage today? It was rough going this morning, but this afternoon I got outside and managed to escape the Trump Power for a couple of hours. It'll be dark out after dinner but I'd escort you out and we could walk around the property to escape the Trump Power for a bit if you'd like?"

"I'm afraid it's been a rough go most of the day, but a respite would be wonderful. Edward was very kind and gracious in his care, having ensured I was taken to my room after I collapsed in the library and then retrieving my book for me as I'd dropped it."

"Yes, I'd heard you had taken a tumble. I'm glad that our Cousins were there to help you."

Ms. Chan translates for the waiter announcing this evening's menu. "Tonight's starter is either soup, Thai Chicken or Mushroom, or Pate, Game or Spiced Sweet Potato. Main Course is either Roast Chicken, Flaliral, it's a local flat fish so is likely to be today's catch, or lentil and bean Bolognese. Desert is Eton Mess." 

She moves around the table, starting with the ladies, asking each of us what we want and directs the serving staff accordingly. 

I have the appetite of a teenage boy and ask for a bit of everything offered. I look around the table and comment, "I don't see our intrepid Anthropologist Cormac in attendance. I hope he's okay...."

Ms. Chan replies, “He’s being a bit of a Luddite and made a fuss about initializing his avatar this morning. He’s gone off to explore the ancient city. I’ve got some staff searching for him now that the sun has set.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. I’ve found Zou Yan quite amiable.  He really helped me get through the day. I’m sorry about making that fuss about brain scans last night. I hope that I didn’t contribute to Cormac’s delinquency.”

Continuing to make small talk while Ms. Chan takes dinner orders, I turn to Fatima, "Hello, how was your day? I sensed that you were having a rough time last night. Maybe some fresh air would help. I've offered to walk around the gardens with Alarna later this evening and I'd welcome you to join us."

“I’m alright, thank you for asking.”

Akio orders, "The Thai chicken and flatfish please." and turns to Alarna and me, "I'm glad you could join us, cousins." And to Fatima, "Good evening, cousin Fatima, it's good to see you."

“Hi Akio, Thanks for your visit earlier, I appreciate it. I'm sorry I chased you away. How was the rest of your afternoon?"

I stick with water for dinner but have one glass of wine in order to make a toast, "To our Hostess who has lifted us out of our mundane lives and offered us this fantastic spread."

Edward, Alarna and Akio raise their glasses, "Yes...Thank You..." and the rest nod and also raise theirs.

Our hostess returns the toast, "You were invited here as my guests, so the rules of hospitality demand no less of me. Just be thankful I didn't make you sit through a state banquet, although I'm sure there will be plenty of time for that at a later date. As to mundane, there have been many occasions in the last few years where I would have exchanged almost everything for the mundane. But those are stories for a different occasion."

I notice that Alarna doesn’t eat much and she appears to still be suffering a lot from the ‘Trump’ headache: Poor kid.

Dinner is so tasty, in spite of my headache, I go back for seconds; including two desserts! My taste buds have mostly recovered and there’s only a slight bit of a metallic tang.

Jason has a good appetite and eats as much as I do, if not more. He appears to be fluent in Chinese and speaks to the wait and kitchen staff. Helping to translate for the rest of us.

As dessert is being served Ms. Chan instructs one of the staff in a chef uniform, "Slight change of plan Huian. Can we have coffee served on the terrace by the hot tub please." in deference to Alarna and myself, so that we are not overwhelmed by ‘Trump Power’ as Ms. Chan will be showing us pictures of our family and possibly our sires. 

When we are all done dessert she rises and thanks Huian, then says to the rest of us "I'll see you on the terrace in 15 minutes." She then leaves us..

I excuse myself and head to my room to  take a dose of Paracetamol before heading up to the roof. Jo - "Zou Yan, do you know where Cousin Cormac is? I didn't see him at dinner."

“Staff are still trying to track him down.”


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