Let me tell you about a bunker.

When the world tilted and our two families took refuge at the farm, my dad and Hank's thought that it would be a good idea to prepare a shelter to protect us if society broke down and vigilantes attacked.

Together they dug a big pit and built an underground bunker out in the meadow. It was hastily built with an old Airstream Camper Trailer, a Winnebago Camper van, a concrete cistern and whatever else they could salvage from the farm to build and reinforce an underground bunker compound large enough for our two families.

It was thankfully never used and with the flood it got partially filled with mud and forgotten.

Now, I've cleaned it out a bit and I use that bunker to hide any extra portals I don't otherwise use on a regular basis. I need to keep them safe. I certainly don't want anyone else to 'fall off the roof'.


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