Let me tell you about Icebergs.
Have you ever watched an ice cube melt in a glass of warm water? Nine tenths of that tiny iceberg is underwater. As it melts from beneath it becomes top heavy and will suddenly tilt or turn over. That's sort of how things were explained to us when we returned to school. Global warming: The whole planet is the melting ice cube that turned over … Or something like that. The scientists explained that the planetary weight shifted because of the melting of the polar ice caps. The Earth tilted on its axis in two directions at once. The rotational axis shifted so that the North Pole was now in the middle of the Bering Strait and the Magnetic North Pole shifted to Switzerland. Geography isn’t really a strong subject for me, so I’m not sure where the South Poles shifted to. All I know is that our winters are much milder now. That massive shift caused earthquakes, tsunamis and massive volcano eruptions. Parts of the continents sunk into the seas and new land masses formed. The ice caps have ...