Me: Catlin Theodore Matthews-Josephs

Hi, I'm Catlin Theodore Matthews-Josephs. It was going to be Caitlyn, after my Aunt but when Mom found out that I was a boy, she made it more masculine. So that's Cat, like meow, NOT Cait! Theodore was my father's name. Captain Theodore Edgar Matthews (Deceased). Mom is Alice Ginger Matthews-Josephs nee Micus. She and my step dad Ian Donald Josephs married when I was still an infant. Dad is also widowed and has two daughters from Francis Marjorie Josephs nee Rice who died of labour complications giving birth to my step sister Kate. Kathryn Elizabeth is five years older than me. We're Kate and Cat. There's also my eldest step-sister Lorraine Kennydie Smythe nee Josephs and her husband Hume Patrick Smythe who are both ten years older than me. I'm the youngest at 21, unless you count my two little nieces. Anyhow,  my family and friends call me Comet Jo; or just Jo for short: But that's another story..


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