Let me tell you about Hell Hounds and Hatchets:
Returning from the field trip to Elysium I go straight to my Onyx Chamber. "Zou Yan... Hi Honey, I'm home.” I strip off the excess accoutrements I wore to Elysium and pack them away: My leather jacket, boots and dirk. To the house AI, “Please give me a fifteen minute notification for dinner. Oh, and please have the first two Roger Zelazny novels returned to the Library." I feel a slight pang of discomfort at having servants and I haven’t got a clue as to what to do about having a Personal Assistant, so I’ve created an artificial friendship with the Artificial Intelligence that appears to run the household. My personal assistant, Kassidy, comes to my room to fetch the first two books, "Thank You, Kassidy. Please put these two books back in the Library for me. But, don't shelve them. Leave them somewhere prominent, like beside the refreshments, so that my cousins will be able to find them easily. Thanks." It’s a job I could have done myself; and probably shoul...