Let me tell you about a Lathe.

When I graduated from High School I knew that I had to work with my hands. University would only lead to a desk job as an Engineer or Architect. I felt like College was going to be a waste of time and money because I believed that I had already developed skills beyond what I would have learned there. So I took a different route. I did a lot of research and hunted the city for the best Jack of all Trades and found Tony MacDonald who runs a shop in the West Toronto Junction. He has a warehouse with an extensive metal fabrication and machine shop. I wrote an application to apprentice there by stating that a lathe is a tool that can be built from simple hand tools and be used to fabricate a better and more refined Lathe frome which can be made an even better one. The Lathe is a machine that can duplicate and improve itself. I boldly challenged Mr. MacDonald that 'For the price of a college tuition let me take over your shop and I will build three Lathes. Each better than the previous....