Let me tell you about my School Daze.

There’s really not too much to say about the early days. Pre-school Montessori gave me a head start. Then Primary school got me labeled as an underachiever. Teacher’s always gave me great reviews for participation but lamented that I needed to apply myself more on academics and spend less time fidgeting and daydreaming. I excelled at arts and crafts and got respectably passing grades otherwise. I didn’t really get into any trouble, but I heard the word Precocious frequently. Junior High expanded my social horizons. I could get by academically where Hank had to apply himself. I spent a little less time with Hank and started hanging around with a scrappy kid named Danny Samson. Danny and I sort of balanced each other. He’d get me into some trouble and I tried to keep him and I out of trouble. The Junior High was part of the local education stream. It was attached to the Senior High which I attended as I went with the flow. We joked that it was the “Bone-Head School” which catered to lear...