Let me tell you about Bumper Carz

I’d been driving on the family farm off road since I was big enough to reach the pedals and see over the wheel. Once upon a time when you turned sixteen you could get a “365” learner’s permit and the following week you could take the driving test and get your driver’s license. Taking driving lessons would lower your insurance premiums but otherwise, if you could drive, you could. Now there’s the graduated license which means you have to pass an initial driving test and then work towards a second test before you are fully deemed a driver. The summer I was sixteen I had a pair of broken legs which put an end to the driving lessons I’d started that spring. It wasn’t until the next spring that I got my first stage Driver’s License that allowed me to drive on my own and a few months later I was finally fully Licensed to drive on the Freeway. While I was fifteen turning sixteen I couldn’t get behind the wheel, but I spent lots of time under the hood in High School Automotive Shop. While the ...