Let me tell you about a Weather Vane.

Over the summer, something else had changed too. While I was laid up, Hank got his driver’s license and the keys to his father’s hand me down car. In September life pretty much got back to normal, aside from the extracurricular physiotherapy. I had clamped my jaw tight, keeping the secret of the barn portal from my family but I needed to share it with someone. That someone was Hank. I told Hank about the portal barn and he was both intrigued and skeptical. “That’s some super power you have, Jo.” he said incredulously. “Listen” I said “I’m only telling you because I have to tell someone.” “You could tell a shrink.” “Thanks, buddy. Here’s the plan. We’ll drive up to the farm and I’ll demonstrate. We can’t do it here because we’d be stranded. The portal is a one way trip, so we’ll need a way to get back home.” So, first thing that warm Mid-September Saturday morning we took off in Hank’s old Volvo wagon and headed up to the farm. The farm is entered through a long lane through the woodlot...