Let me tell you about my best friend Hank.

Hank Kendal and I grew up in the same neighbourhood. I don't recall exactly how we first met in kindergarten. We weren't in the same class. In fact, we were never put in the same class all through school, but somehow we connected on our way to or from school. Or maybe in the school yard. That detail isn't important. Hank and I are inseparable. We're like brothers. We're like an old married couple. We finish each other's sentences and bicker. He's like me, being the youngest child with two much older sisters. As kids, we tented in each other's back yards and we still go on family vacations together. When we were eight, his father got rid of the rusty old swing set in his backyard and put in a pool. We spent most of our daylight hours in that pool that summer; and the ones that followed. We're totally inseparable. Hank is insanely creative. Making up songs and stories. He immediately tore apart store-bought toys and mixed and mashed them back together ...